Sunday, July 13, 2014

Get the hell out of Gtlds and .co.coms !

Get The Hell Out Of Gtlds !

Independent Marketing Analyst/Strategist at / (.COM ) URL Centric Marketing
Its an Epic journey over the edge with GTLds and .co extensions to no where , unless you want to create traffic for your biggest competitor in the .Com Traffic Grid Address.  Its fine if you want to gamble but its terminal for most all new Online Businesses. Its viewed  as window dressing for losers by the pros that know better.. If you want to support Google buy into their Bridges to failed traffic, at your own peril, but remember your first step is key , don't blow it and get punked in the process. Question your marketing team and if their successes, are dependent on SEO, pivot away quickly!

Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger) (Domain Master)

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