By Jeffrey A. Schneider | Submitted On November 04, 2007
It seems there is not a week that goes by that the headlines in some major news publications are announcing the heralding in, of some new internet based technology that will change the playing field forever! We are all witnessing an era of heightened creativity.
The internet has acted as a powerful catalyst, in opening up "an avenue for expressing creativity" for the masses. So much so, that the world's One BILLIONTH website was announced today. It took 36 years to reach this watermark! Amazingly enough this number is expected to double again in the next 10 years to Two BILLION !
The world's major corporations are feverishly positioning themselves to master this thing they call e-Biz !. It's no wonder that as a result of all this expansion, and the desire for well-branded, easy to spell and remember domain names, there has been an exponential increase in the values of good Domain Names.
For all these reasons and more, some Domain Names are commanding six- and seven- figure price tags that are attracting these Big Money Players! Now more than ever - the visionary leaders who keep their focus on investing in Domain Names will be a part of the future's most profitable businesses!
It's a well known fact, that the visionaries who discover the "Holy Grail" of marketing to the masses will undoubtedly be the worlds leading mass marketers! To be a part of this bright future, it is crucial to have vision, planning, and an understanding of the past. Keep in mind, that in the past, the lion's share of revenue dollars generated by the e-Biz phenomenon has been generated by the Online Ad Market.
These revenues generated by the Online Advertising Market are huge {6-8 $ Billion} and increasing at a dramatic pace. Also keep in mind that the Online ad market revenues "pale" in comparison to total retail Sales Revenues, which are in the Trillions $ !.
Another powerful engine for growth that bodes well for Domain Name owners, is the barely tapped, B2C {Business to Consumer} Market Place. The B2C sector holds so much future potential, that savvy Investors are raiding their war chests to procure names that will help them in their quest to master this nascent market place.
For example: A name such as Business.com sold for {$ 7,500,000}. A visionary investor by the name of Jake Winebaum bought it from the original owner for {$ 100,000} as an investment. Then came along another savvy visionary named Marc Ostrofsky who bought and then turned around and sold it for the {$7,500,000} figure!
I, myself have experienced dramatic increases in the value of some of my own personal Domain Names. For instance, I bought the name USeBiz.com in 1998 for {$102.00}. Over the years I have owned it, I have been offered as much as {$ 800,000} for the name. I have turned down each and every offer, because I know, if and when, I eventually do sell the domain name, USeBiz.com will sell for far more to some other visionary investor.
There has never been a time in history, to my knowledge, when you could own and control letters of the alphabet! Some of the savviest investors on the net have figured this out, and are making millions from their URL portfolios.
So... Do you think it's too late to invest in the Domain Name Industry or is it just beginning?
Jeffrey A. Schneider,
Former Marketing Analyst/Rockefeller Foundation,
Owner/Founder, http://www.USeBiz.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeffrey_A._Schneider