Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Those who are keen in finding the truth such as yourself will find it.Those who are in severe denial will have a hard time getting their arms around the truth. The Snowe Bill is a grim reminder of the past.

The truth is, All property owners through out history have had to protect their rights to ownership. Ask native Americans and you will get just some of the answers that are available to anyone interested in reality based facts of property ownership. A most helpfull read on this subject is, "A Peoples History of the United States 1492 to present" by Howard Zinn.
Getting back to the subject at hand, lets face it we need to work together to create a safety net designed to repel greedy masters who want our properties.

We all should consider supporting the I.C.A. that was birthed to protect all web based businesses from the larger predators up the food chain.
Anyone who would consider a fund raisng initiative with the URL of " HelpRaiseFunds.com" something worth while let me know of your interest in communally developing it for the I.C.A. I can be reached through a link on my website. Or directly contact http://www.internetcommerce.org/